Friday, February 20, 2009

My little rockstar!

A recent homework assignment I had was to create a high key portrait and mimic as much of another image I found. The image I found was on and is seen below. Since I wanted to use my son as the subject the above "style" didn't suit him or me very well... we put our own creative spin on the assignment...

We had so much fun! He is such a great model, he's had so much practice since I've been pointing a camera at him since he was born, now that's a lot of practice! He also is an amazing photographer himself!

This image was shot in my dining room hanging my really nice white sheets from the ceiling! This assignment has shown me that I can really shoot anywhere, if I can do it in my tiny house then I could go to almost anyones' house and shoot there too!

1 comment:

FTF~BLONDE~ said...

you know i love this picture of kota!! hey i have a question for you!! What layout are u using for your blog? i want to use one where i can use it more for photos of my jewelry and frames and im not having much luck!!! help! and i want you to do some photos of me! when can we get together?